Monday, August 15, 2011



Shortly after Lydia was born, my dad started taking Miles for some one-on-one grandpa time on Tuesdays (to give me a break while Ryan was at bible study). One evening, both my mom and dad took Miles out for an excursion and took him to Krispy Kreme to use his valentine coupon from his friend Caleb. He came back looking like this. So cute.

Lydia at 5 months

At 5 months you:

  • Weigh 18 lbs 2 oz (at least you did a week before you turned 5 months).
  • Are inches long.
  • Are the size of the average 8 month old.
  • Are wearing sizes ranging from 3-6 months all the way up to 9 months.
  • Are sleeping through the night. (Up to 11 1/2 hours without nursing)
  • Are rolling around to get places. Thankfully, you aren't too fast yet.
  • Are sucking on EVERYTHING.
  • Can suck on your toes now and enjoy it very much.
  • Smile so much, with big open mouth, happy, toothless grins.
  • Laugh quite a bit.
  • Talk a lot.
  • Are very opinionated.
  • Are a cat napper during the day.
  • Are still spitting up all the time.
  • Play well in your excersaucer.
  • Love to be on your tummy.
  • Love to take a bath.
  • Love to be in the pool.
  • LOVE to be outside.
  • Are still CRAZY strong.
  • Still haven't started solids.
  • Bring me joy everyday.

Festival of the Arts

We took the kids to Festival of the Arts in Downtown GR at the beginning of June. Miles had a great time painting and eating and listening to some fun music. Lydia enjoyed seeing the sites and hanging out. She just loves to be outside. It was HOT that day, but the kids didn't seem to mind.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lydia at 3 Months

I just took Lydia's 3 month pictures today (about 1 1/2 weeks late) so the pics will be added later, but I wanted to get her 3 month info down before I forget.

So, at 3 months Lydia:
-is talking a lot.
-loves to suck on her fingers.
-is batting at toys a bit.
-loves to be held......all.the.time!
-is sleeping for 5 to 6 hour stretches many nights.
-is ridiculously strong and can roll over from her tummy to her back with ease and is close to rolling from her back to her tummy.
-doesn't tolerate playtime on her play mat for very long.
-has pretty well grown out of her 3 month clothes and is wearing 3-6 month and some 6 month sizes now.
-is smiling a lot (mornings are her most smiley time).
-naps pretty well in her crib.
-loves her big brother.
-has opinions about a lot of things.
-holds her head up very well and holds herself up on her arms well.
-spits up all the time. Seriously, ALL.THE.TIME.
-loves to "stand up" for long periods of time.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Lydia is a healthy growing little girl. On Friday, her weight was 11 lbs 7oz and today her weight was 11 lbs 9.5oz. She is already rolling over from her tummy to her back and pushing up on her fore arms to lift up her head and look around. Can't believe how fast my little baby girl is growing.

Here is a sweet pic from the amazing hospital photos that my friend Heather took.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things I want to remember

Time passes too quickly (and seems to pass twice as fast now that we have two kiddos). I have been slightly overwhelmed with life and have been a terrible blogger and even worse at documenting the life of my children. Miles is at such a fun age right now and says the funniest things and I need to make a point to document that. The blog will make a good place to capture those things that I can later go back and scrapbook.

Right now, Miles love to play and will entertain himself for a while with imaginative play. He loves trains and blocks and Little People and his "power tools", but his favorite thing is to run around outside and dig in the dirt.

He adores his baby sister and wants to snuggle and hold her all the time. When she fusses, he rushes over to comfort her. He is so adorably sensitive to other people's emotions.

I love that I can hold conversations with him now and that he can spontaneously show affection. There is nothing sweeter than a big huge hug accompanied by an "I Love you mama".

He also loves music and almost always wants to listen to his Bible Song CDs. It warms my heart to hear him singing bible songs and hymns and makes me smile to hear his versions of the words (as he doesn't always catch all of them).

He has no interest in potty training, but he knows when he has to go because he barricades himself behind baskets of toys in front of the fire place (or with whatever he can find if we are somewhere else) to "do his buisness" and then lets me know when he is done pooping. If you ask him if he is done before he comes out of his homemade bathroom, then he replies "No, I not. I still pooping". He calls his homemade bathroom "the lock". So he cutely looks at me as he is squatting away in front of the fireplace and says "I pooping in the lock, mommy."

I also love the way he says certain words:

-Crescent rolls = Kashi rolls

-Sidewalk= Walkside

- Banana= Blama

-Jungle Gym= Jungle Bar

-Life Cereal= Life Chex

-Corn Chex Cereal=Popcorn Life Chex

-Sidewalk Chalk=Walk Chalk

-Bubbly= Blubbly

He is also so polite and is great about saying please. It is so cute because he starts out with "Please". For example: Mommy, please I have a cracker?

I wish that I could permanently capture this time and never forget it.